Join The 6 Week Guided Journey

Enrollment for the next Guided Journey is OPEN! Starts June 25th.

During the Ignite Your Passion: 6 Week Program, you will learn the tools that will help you discover your recipe to tap into that Queen Mentality state.


Learn the tactics and strategies that women in 20+, 15, 10, or even 5 year relationships are doing to remain passionately in love while remaining congruent to who they are at their core.

What is the outcome after the 6 week journey?

  • Deeper understanding on how to re-ignite your passion as a Queen.
  • Clarity on the steps necessary that you must take to bring more connection with your self and your partner. 
  • ​You will learn daily practices to ignite vibrancy in your body to feel more confident & to spark the polarity with your partner again.
  • ​How to stop the sabotage from the little voice in your head that is know as the “ideal woman.”

The best part is you can do that all from a place of not having to sacrifice any piece of who you are. 

How The 6 Week Journey is Delivered.

- 6 Week Group Coaching Experience

- 6 live group calls with Vivian and the other Queens.

- Weekly accountability from my team

- 30 Day Guided Journal that will help you to tap into the Queen mentality and with implementing the tools you are learning in the program in your day to day life.

Week 1: All about Pain—and what the pain is you are holding onto that May or may not not be serving you and how to heal it so it no longer limits you from reaching your full potential.

Week 2: We as women all have another version of ourselves called the “IDEAL WOMAN” she’s the one that tells us things like “you will never amount to anything” “why are you wearing that?” “You’ll never be good enough”…whatever your version is. She’s the version of ourselves that keeps us from rising into the Queen we are born to be, and will stop at nothing until we learn how to become one with her. 

Week 3: Boundaries- What the different types of

healthy boundaries are that you must set for yourself now and how to no longer allow others opinions or agendas rule your life. Take back control of your destiny!

Week 4: PLEASURE is our natural born birthright. When we get married and have children it’s so easy for us to forget or put that sexy temptress energy we as women have in a box…you will learn when it’s actually a good time to access this energy and how to do it that feels natural, easy, and fun for you.

Week 5: The balance we as women need to have between our masculine and feminine energies. You will also get a mans perspective from Vivian’s husband Raul who has been coaching men for __ years and has a true insight into what your man might be feeling or thinking. You get to get your questions answered from a man who is showing up as a King for his Queen.

Week 6: Celebration week where we dive deep into where you started and share how far you’ve come and you will learn how to continue using the tools you’ve been provided in the previous weeks.

Ask yourself


To remember the Queen I was born to be?

Next Journey Starts June 25th

Included in the 6 Week Guided Journey
 6 Week Group Coaching Experience.
 6 weekly live group calls.
 Weekly accountability from my team.
 30 Day Guided Journal.
Community of supporting women.

6 Week Guided Journey:
or 4 Payments of $411
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Hear From Other Queens How They Re-Ignited Their Passion

"During this process, I felt you established a very safe, accessible and free space for which to have open discourse and exchanges. You were a very attentive listener and it was clear to me from the start you were 100% committed to this process with me."
"Your feedback to various questions or issues that came up with me was relevant and useful. Not only that, but you allowed for conversations to flow where they needed to without making me feel you had to stick to a specific objective for that particular week. This further facilitated a sense of openness and vulnerability on my part."
"The home-play tasks were helpful exercises. For example, creating the list of 10 things which make me happy was a great way to get specific about my happiness as opposed to just "pondering" my happiness. This was a great physical representation of things I knew, but had been out of touch with for a very long time. The Pinterest vision board was also a great exercise along the same lines."

Copyright 2021 Ignite Your Passion.